A teacher should love, feel and forgive each student.
All my achievements in life became possible only thanks to my students.
A teacher must be a teacher 24 hours a day, he cannot be a teacher only during working hours and within the school walls.
A minister was also a child and even a student.
Is it easier to be a father or a minister? Being a father is happiness, and being a teacher is a responsibility.
A teacher should be dealt with harshly only in one way - during his studies at a pedagogical university.
The truth is that if you are dragged down by school and students, you should leave the profession. ⠀
If you are not able to give joy to your students, you should also leave the profession.
It is only fair to leave the profession in time, not to torture yourself and your students.
How can we attract male teachers to the school? And what is wrong with women?
A personality is brought up by a mother.
Honestly, in the first years, I was not the best teacher, but after three years I became "Teacher of the Year". I'm sure that only a strong teacher recognizes his shortcomings.
"Meeting without ties" of the Minister of Education Gani Beisembayev became one of the brightest events of the second Republican forum of young teachers "Zhas Ustaz - 2023".